This form is currently in testing mode.

If you are the form owner and happy with the result, you can put this form into production by upgrading your account here.

If you are a visitor, don't fill out this form!

We use texting to keep you up to date regarding this event. If for any reason, you are going to be late or not be able to attend, you must notify the event coordinator immediately.

Additional Info

PPD = Points Per Dart Based on Open In Open Out
MPR = Marks Per Round

Your current stats will be used regarding your placement in the pool. If you have played in a previous tournament, that data will be used in regards to your pool assignment. Adjustments to the distribution of players, and their pool assignments can and will be made when necessary.

All registrations are subject to verification. There will no be refunds for No-Shows, Forfeits or DQs. After submitting your entry, you will be redirected to the Paypal app. You may pay with any Visa, Mastercard, or Paypal account.

Thank you for registering! Have Fun and Good Darts!